
Mythology is history.  Discover the story of a family that changed the world over 12,000 years ago.  Discover the story of the Cronide bloodline...

Lost Worlds of Atlantis, Lemuria, Hyperborea, Tartaria, and more can be understood through mythology, the bloodline of the Gods, and hidden archaeological finds. If you discover the story of the Cronide bloodline, you will discover the bloodline of the Gods. Hidden Human Story looks at the secrets of the past with an emphasis on the Cronides, mythology, legends, folklore, bloodlines, symbolism, the news, the occult, religion, lost continents, and obscure archaeological finds. A detailed look at Atlantis, Lemuria, Hyperborea, Tartaria, Lovelock Cave, and other lost worlds will show that everything goes back to the Cronides and a terrible world reset due to natural disasters.

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Hidden Human Story looks at the secrets of the past with an emphasis on the Cronides.  It is the goal of the author of this project to present the hidden story of our past based on many years of research into ancient texts (from Harvard’s Loeb Library, the British Library, and many other sources), comparative mythology, comparative anthropology, the study of symbolism, obscure archaeological finds, and modern DNA tests.

Some of the Cronides (Archons)....

Assembly of twenty gods, predominantly the Twelve Olympians, as they receive Psyche (Loggia di Psiche, 1518–19, by Raphael and his school, at the Villa Farnesina) – Public Domain
           All of your religions (Abrahamic, Hinduism, Paganism, Satanism, etc.) are nothing more than plagiarism of Greek Mythology.  The Gods/Goddesses of all world mythologies are all the same (see my Mythological Unification Theory) and they were real white people out of Tyre and Crete. My research proves this out and no other researcher has come close.  These Gods/Goddesses of old were of tall stature and may have had the genetics for Acromegaly and Gigantism.   They travelled the world, set up royal houses, established laws, spread their agriculture mystery cults, their star knowledge, and their pantheons.  Your Yahweh is Cronus, your Jehovah is Zeus, Ashtoreth was the half-sister consort of Cronus, Rhea is the Virgin Mary and Mother of God (title later to apply to Isis and then Cleopatra), the Osirian Pharaohs came from Dionysus-Osiris, and Satan-Lucifer is Prometheus who started the bloodline of the red-haired Setian Pharaohs.
          One side of the family was cruel and instituted human sacrifice and cannibalism in their royal houses and priest crafts and the other side followed them around the globe to put an end to their cruelty and replace it with a more gentile culture.  The secret societies know the truth and keep it hidden in their architecture, rituals, and symbolism and know the people of the past I have spoken of as proven out by the writings of Freemasons Albert Pike and Helen Blavatsky.  Are you brave enough to listen and learn the hidden human story?
          My research has taken me many years to compile and is still a work in progress, but I will try to summarize the core of the story of this family.  When I was about 10 years old, I never believed the history we were taught in schools.  When I learned about the people in the Americas and the ancient Egyptians, I knew there was a connection even though my teachers assured me there was none.  This feeling never left me and when I grew up and worked a mainstream job, I continued to research this area on my own.  After years of comparative anthropology, comparative mythology, and comparative archaeology, I came to the conclusion that many of these ancient mythologies across the world were telling the same story but with slight differences in each culture.  The key to seeing this Mythological Unification Theory, is the story of the “murdered son of a father god.”  Every ancient story tells the tale of a son who was teaching the people “good ways” when he was murdered by jealous opposition.  These murderers were labeled as the Titans, Giants, Set and the 72 conspirators, and so on.  Once this key is aligned in all mythologies, they fit together like a puzzle.
         After I realized this, I began to study a library out of Harvard University, known as the Loeb Library.  The Loeb Library was sponsored by a Jewish-German-American banker- philanthropist named James Loeb (1867–1933) and includes over 500 books from ancient Greek and Roman scholars.  I pinpointed the books I knew would tell the story of what I had formulated from the catalogue.  It was in the writings of the ancient Greek, Roman, and Egyptian scholars Diodorus Siculus, Plutarch, Hesiod, Homer, Manetho, Valerius Maximus, Macrobius, and others that the story began to unfold with a timeline.  I further found a set of writings from the British Library that included the writings of an ancient Phoenician scholar, Sanchoniathon, that expanded the story.

HUP Loeb, James (1), olvwork290286. Harvard University Archives.
          This family, which I term the Cronide bloodline, began in Tyre.  Their story of evolving advancement is told in the writings of Sanchoniathon.  The tales of calculated murder, calculated breeding, and calculated alliances are clearly spelled out as this family began to move into a position of global power.  Some of the details of this family are very cruel, but as they evolved, they made efforts to change their ways and travel the world to teach their “mysteries” about agriculture, astronomy, science, medicine, and more.  The story starts out with Diodorus Siculus referring to them as the “Atlantians” and their social structure was based on a matriarchy, initially.  Their names vary from culture to culture, but for ease of telling the story, I will use their Greek names mostly at this time.  The god known as Uranus was the first to challenge the matriarchy after the unfortunate death of his father who died from a wild animal attack.  He was a tyrant and he had many consorts.  His main wife was his sister known as Gaia.  She did not like his ways, so she parted from him, but he threatened her and her children often.  When her son, Cronus, grew up, he chased his father away from the area, but his father would not leave them alone.  Cronus ended up killing his father as his father had killed the great Queen and her husband, before.  Cronus became the leader and decided his people would leave their island home of Tyre and expand through out the world.  Cronus was a knowledgeable farmer and is credited with inventing many agricultural tools including the pickaxe; however, Cronus had strange ways which included sacrificing some of his own children during times of trouble.  This is why they say that Cronus, “ate his children” and his sister wife Rhea had to hide their children from him.  One of these children was Zeus whom she hid in a cave on Mt. Ida in Crete.  When Zeus grew up into a man, he took over his father’s kingdom.  Zeus was completely unlike his father and preferred gentler ways of living and the people loved him.  Zeus had many consorts and children and helped to expand his father’s kingdom.  He had many enemies as well.  Even though this family was referred to as Atlantians, because they originally came from the people who lived near the Atlantic Ocean, they were not well liked because of the previous things Uranus had done. 
          When Zeus had a son by Persephone, named Zagreus, he intended for Zagreus to inherit his kingdom.  But Zagreus was brutally murdered by Titans when he was just a child and the Titans cannibalized Zagreus leaving only the heart for Zeus to find.  Coming home to find out what had happened, Zeus went insane.  He prepared a potion from the heart of Zagreus and drank it believing he had the soul of Zagreus inside him and he would impregnate another woman and transfer that soul to the new child.  That woman was Semele.  The child born was Dionysus.  Dionysus was hidden and raised as a girl in Nyssa to hide him from his enemies.   Dionysus grew up and became the great god also known as Osiris.
          This tale continues on with the conquest of the world by Zeus and his children including his main heir, Dionysus-Osiris.  Dionysus, along with his wife Ariadne-Isis (same woman from the story of the Minotaur of Crete), created the royal Pharaonic bloodline that flows through many people’s veins today.  The other children of Zeus spread across the world and became the kings and queens of every nation including those in the Americas.
          I believe from my research that this family travelled the world including the Americas to civilize it and teach their mystery schools.  Their tale is told in the story of the Hopi Kachinas, the Ho-Chunk hero known as Red Horn, the story of Queztlcoatl, the story of White Buffalo Woman and so on.  The evidence is everywhere.  I have found what I believe to be petroglyphs of Phoenician ships and Phoenician letters in Nevada.  There are many tales by the Pauite of red-haired giants in Nevada as well that may be the descendants of these people or others that followed over, later.
           I know this tale is complex, salacious, and possibly disturbing, but it is a true story.  I have done so much research that I have written about, that I can’t possibly include all of it on this website, but here is a small snippet from Diodorus Siculus that may help convince you:
 And of the ancient Greek writers of mythology some give to Osiris the name Dionysus or, with a slight change in form, Sirius.  One of them, Eumolpus, in his Bacchic Hymn speaks of Our Dionysus, shining like a star, with fiery eye in ev’ry ray. - Diodorus Siculus , The Library of History, Volume One, page 39.
Osiris was the first, they record, to make mankind give up cannibalism; for after Isis did discover the fruit of both wheat and barley which grew wild over the land along with the other plants but was still unknown to man, and Osiris had also devised the cultivation of these fruits, all men were glad to change their food, both because of the pleasing nature of the newly-discovered grains and because it seemed to their advantage to refrain from their butchery of one another.  As proof of the discovery of these fruits they offer the following ancient custom which they still observe:  Even yet at harvest time the people make a dedication of the first heads of the grain to be cut, and standing beside the sheaf beat themselves and call upon Isis, by this act rendering honour to the goddess for the fruits which she discovered, at the season when she first did this.  Moreover in some cities, during the Festival of Isis as well, stalks of wheat and barley are carried among the other objects in the procession, as a memorial of what the goddess so ingeniously discovered at the beginning.  Isis also established laws, they say, in accordance with which the people regularly dispense justice to one another and are let to refrain through fear of punishment from illegal violence and insolence; and it is for this reason also that the early Greeks gave Demeter the name Thesmophorus acknowledging in this way that she had first established their laws. - Diodorus Siculus , The Library of History, Volume One, pages 47-49.

          There is even an older tale before this family of a matriarchy and before them there was a story as well.  I can present material anywhere along the timeline of this planet.  The tale of this story stems from decades of my own research.  No other researcher comes close and I will not tolerate my work being used without permission because this story is too important to me.  Hidden Human Story looks at the secrets of the past with an emphasis on the Cronides, mythology, legends, folklore, bloodlines, symbolism, the news, the occult, religion, and obscure archaeological finds.  Further detail is given in my books, my videos, and blog articles.
Thank you.
Rita Jean Moran

Cronide Timeline: 
I’ve calculated out the timeline for the Cronides by looking at the Pharaonic timeline reigns listed by the Egyptian scholar, Manetho.  I’ve estimated this time period to be between 15,000 to 19,000  years ago.
This calculation is consistent with what was written by Diodorus Siculus:
The number of years from Osiris and Isis, they say, to the reign of Alexander, who founded the city which bears his name in Egypt, is over ten thousand, but, according to other writers, a little less than twenty-three thousand. - Diodorus Siculus, The Library of History, Volume One, page 73.
Alexander the Great reigned about 2300 years ago. This puts the time period within twelve-thousand to twenty-five thousand years ago which allows the Manetho timeline to fit in.

Identity of Jehovah:

The Jews had tried to corrupt Roman values with their cult of Jupiter Sabazius, so the praetor forced them to go back to their home.

Cornelius Hispanus expelled the Chaldeans from the city and ordered them to leave Italy within ten days to prevent them from making money out of their foreign science.  The Jews had tried to pass their religion on to Romans, so Hispanus expelled them from the city and demolished their private altars in the public places.

The Senate decided that the temples of Isis and Serapis should be demolished, but none of the workers dared to touch the temples.  The consul Lucius Aemilius Paulus took off his official striped toga, grabbed an axe, and smashed in the doors of the temple.

-Valerius Maximus, Memorable Deeds and Sayings One Thousand Tales From Ancient Rome, page 14.

Identity of Satan:

Hence the allegory of Prometheus, who steals the divine fire so as to allow men to proceed consciously on the path of spiritual evolution, thus transforming the most perfect of animals on earth into a potential god, and making him free to “take the kingdom of heaven by violence.”  Hence also, the curse pronounced by Zeus against Prometheus, and by Jehovah-Il-da-Baoth against his “rebellious son,” Satan. – Helen Blavatsky, The Secret Doctrine, Volume 2, Page 244.

More proof of my Mythological Unification Theory:

Odin’s Death and Cremation and the Location of Valhalla
“Walhalla” (1896) by Max Bruckner.(public domain)

Per Snorri Sturluson:

"Othin died in his bed in Sweden. But when he felt death approaching he had himself marked with the point of a spear, and he declared as his own all men who fell in battle. He said he was about to depart to the abode of the gods and would there welcome his friends. So then the Swedes believed that he had gone to the old Asgarth and would live there forever. Then the belief in Othin arose anew, and they called on him. Often, the Swedes thought, he revealed himself before great battles were fought, when he would give victory to some and invite others to come to his abode. Both fates seemed good to them.
Othin was burned after his death, and this burning on the pyre of his body took place with great splendor. It was people’s belief that the higher the smoke rose into the sky, the more elevated in heaven would he be who was cremated: and [therefore] a man [was considered] the nobler, the more possession were burned with him.
After him, Njorth of Noatun took power among the Swedes and continued the sacrifices…."
- Snorri Sturluson, The Heimskringla , page 13
I believe the old Asgarth was the home of Zeus in Crete and also known as Valhalla. It may have also been on Mt. Olympus in Greece. Snorri Sturluson wrote that the Asgard was the city of Troy in his Prose Edda:
"Next they made for themselves in the middle of the world a city which is called Asgard; men call it Troy"  - Snorri Sturluson, The Prose Edda, Gylfaginning, page 22.
Dionysus conquered the Indians and was in what is now India:

A mosaic of Dionysus fighting the Indians in the Palazzo Massimo at Rome. - public domain
"Osiris also took an interest in hunting elephants, and everywhere left behind him inscribed pillars telling of his campaign. And he visited all the other nations of Asia as well and crossed into Europe at the Hellespont." - Diodorus Siculus, The Library of History, Volume 1, page 63.

"He also founded not a few cities in India, one of which he named Nysa, wishing to leave there a memorial of the city in Egypt where he had been reared. He also planted ivy in the Indian Nysa, and throughout India and those countries which border upon it the plant to this day is still to be found only in this region. And many other signs of his stay he left in that country, which have led the Indians of a later time to lay claim to the god and say that he was by birth a native of India." - Diodorus Siculus, The Library of History, Volume 1, page 63.
Explaining discrepancies in the timeline when later generations claimed descent from the Gods and Goddesses:
The Cronide timeline is very old. The Trojan War was not so long ago and Diodorus Siculus addresses timeline issues in mythology by stating that Heracles did not live during the Trojan War time period, but at a longer time before it.  People may have claimed descent from a god or goddess but it is highly unlikely that they were spawned at a later time period then when the Cronides were on the planet (however modern alien theorists may beg to differ with my conclusion):

"The account of the Egyptians agrees also with the tradition which has been handed down among the Greeks since very early times, to the effect that Heracles cleared the earth of wild beasts, a story which is in no way suitable for a man who lived in approximately the period of the Trojan War, when most parts of the inhabited world had already been reclaimed from their wild state by agriculture and over the land. Accordingly this reclamation of the land suits better a man who lived in early times, when men were still held in subjection by the vast numbers of wild beasts, a state of affairs which was especially true in the case of Egypt, the upper part of which is to this day desert and infested with wild beasts." - Diodorus Siculus, The Library of History, Volume 1, page 79.
Furthermore, the Nag Hammadi Library decribes the DemiUrge as being thrown into Tartaros just as Cronus was and as being "androgynous."  The Ethiopian Book of Enoch decribes God as the Ancient of Days and his head as "snow white" and the angels were also described as "snow white" and could "appear as men if they wanted to."  These descriptions from not as old Semitic writing brings to mind the androgynous form of the modern day Grey "alien" and a further mystery has to be solved as to what was meant by it  and what the ancient Cronides really were:
Here are some of the passages:
And Semyaz, being their leader, said unto them, “I fear that perhaps you will not consent that this deed should be done, and I alone will become (responsible) for this great sin.” But they all responded to him, “Let us all swear an oath and bind everyone among us by a curse not to abandon this suggestion but to do the deed. Then they all swore together and bound one another by (the curse). And they were altogether two hundred; and they descended into Ardos, which is the summit of Hermon. And they called the mount, Armon, for they swore and bound one another by a curse. -
James H. Charlesworth, The Old Testament Pseudepigraphia Volume 1, Page 15.

But now the giants who are born from the (union of) the spirits and the flesh shall be called evil spirits upon the earth, because their dwelling shall be upon the earth and inside the earth. -

James H. Charlesworth, The Old Testament Pseudepigraphia Volume 1, Page 21.

And they lifted me up into one place where there were (the ones) like the flaming fire. And when they (so) desire they appear like men. And they took me into a place of whirlwind in the mountain; the top of its summit was reaching into heaven.

James H. Charlesworth, The Old Testament Pseudepigraphia Volume 1, Page 22.

And Uriel said to me, “Here shall stand in many different appearances the spirits of the angels which have united themselves with women. They have defiled the people and will lead them into error so that they will offer sacrifices to the demons as unto gods, until the great day of judgment in which they shall be judged till they are finished. And their women whom the angels have led astray will be peaceful ones. So I, Enoch, I saw the vision of the end of everything alone; and none among human begins will see as I have seen.-

James H. Charlesworth, The Old Testament Pseudepigraphia Volume 1, Page 23.

And I saw the sons of the holy angels walking upon the flame of fire; their garments were white- and their overcoats-and the light of their faces was like snow. -

James H. Charlesworth, The Old Testament Pseudepigraphia Volume 1, Page 49.

And I saw countless angels-a hundred thousand times a hundred thousand, ten million times ten million-encircling that house. Michael, Raphael, Gabriel, Phanuel, and numerous (other) holy angels that are in heaven above, go in and out of that house-Michael, Raphael, Gabriel, Phanuel, and numerous (other) holy angels that are countless. With them is the Antecedent of time: His head is white and pure like wool and his garment is indescribable. I fell on my face, my whole body mollified and my spirit transformed. -

James H. Charlesworth, The Old Testament Pseudepigraphia Volume 1, Page 50.

And after some days my son, Methuselah, took a wife for his son Lamech, and she became pregnant by him and bore him a son. And his body was white as snow and red as a rose; the hair of his head as white as wool and his demdema beautiful; and as for his eyes, when he opened them the whole house glowed like the sun- (rather) the whole house glowed even more exceedingly. And when he arose from the hands of the midwife, he opened his mouth and spoke to the Lord with righteousness. And his father, Lamech, was afraid of him and fled and went to Methuselah his father and he said to him, “I have begotten a strange son. He is not like an (ordinary) human being, but he looks like the children of the angels of heaven to me, his form is different, and he is not like us. His eyes are like the rays of the sun, and his face glorious. It does not seem to me that he is of me, but of angels and I fear that a wondrous phenomenon may take place upon the earth in his days." -

James H. Charlesworth, The Old Testament Pseudepigraphia Volume 1, Page 86.
The Hypostasis of the Archons
(The Reality of the Rulers)

“This ruler, by being androgynous, made himself a vast realm, an extent without limit. And he contemplated creating offspring for himself, and created for himself seven offspring, androgynous just like their parent. And he said to his offspring, “It is I who am god of the entirety.”

And Zoe (Life), the daughter of Pistis Sophia, cried out and said to him, “You are mistaken, Sakla!” – for which the alternative name is Yaltabaoth. She breathed into his face, and her breath became a fiery angel for her; and that angel bound Yaldabaoth and cast him down into Tartaros below the abyss.

Now when his offspring Sabaoth saw the force of that angel, he repented and condemned his father and his mother, matter. He loathed her, but he sang songs of praise up to Sophia and her daughter Zoe. And Sophia and Zoe caught him up and gave him charge of the seventh heaven, below the veil between above and below. And he is called ‘God of the forces, Sabaoth’, since he is up above the forces of chaos, for Sophia established him.”

“There, I have taught you about the pattern of the rulers; and the matter in which it was expressed; and their parent; and their universe.”

But I said, “Sir, am I also from their matter?”

“You, together with your offspring, are from the primeval father; from above, out of the imperishable light, their souls are come. Thus the authorities cannot approach them, because of the spirit of truth present within them; and all who have become acquainted with this way exist deathless in the midst of dying mankind. Still, that sown element will not become known now. Instead, after three generations it will come to be known, and it has freed them from the bondage of the authorities’ error.”

Then I said, “Sir, how much longer?”

He said to me, “Until the moment when the true man, within a modeled form, reveals the existence of the spirit of truth, which the father has sent.

Then he will teach them about everything, and he will anoint them with the unction of life eternal, given him from the undominated generation.

Then they will be freed of blind thought, and they will trample underfoot death, which is of the authorities, and they will ascend into the limitless light where this sown element belongs.

Then the authorities will relinquish their ages, and their angels will weep over their destruction, and their demons will lament their death.

Then all the children of the light will be truly acquainted with the truth and their root, and the father of the entirety and the holy spirit. They will all say with a single voice, ‘The father’s truth is just, and the son presides over the entirety”, and from everyone unto the ages of ages, “Holy – holy – holy! Amen!’”"
Further proof that Cronus is Yahweh and that we are dealing with the Cronide Cults:
They say that the first inhabitants of the earth, glorying in their own strength and size, and despising the gods, undertook to raise a tower whose top should reach the sky, where Babylon now stands:  but when it approached the heaven, the winds assisted the gods, and overturned the work upon its contrivers: and its ruins are said to be at Babylon:  and the gods introduced a diversity of tongues among men who till that time had all spoken the same language:  and a war arose between Cronus and Titan:  but the place in which they built the tower is now called Babylon, on account of the confusion of the tongues; for confusion is by the Hebrews called Babel  - Euseb.Prep. Evan.lib9-Syncel Chron.44-Euseb. Chron. 13.  By Berossus - History of the Ancient World written by Isaac Preston Cory, page 23.

Cronus by Francisco Goya
Not only was Cronus the God of the Bible at the Tower of Babel, he ritualistically and sadistically murdered his children to frighten his people and he instituted the "human sacrifice" cults and specifically those of sacifice of children.  He also instituted circumcision of his followers in an attonment for murdering his father Uranus and castrating him.
Cronus also going about the habitable world, gave to his daughter Athena the kingdom of Attica: and when there happened a plague and mortality, Cronus offered up his only son as a sacrifice of his father Ouranus, and circumcised himself, and forced his allies to do the same: and not along afterwards he consecrated after his death another son, called Muth, whom he had by Rhea; him the Phoenicians call Death and Pluto. - Sanchoniathon - History of the Ancient World written by Isaac Preston Cory, page 13-14.

Chronos and his child by Giovanni Francesco Romanelli, National Museum in Warsaw, a 17th-century depiction of Titan Cronus as "Father Time," wielding a harvesting scythe

Giorgio Vasari: The Mutilation of Uranus by Saturn (Cronus)
The followers of Cronus were called Eloim (sometimes Els).  Everything has been a scam since Semitic religion was allowed to take over like a virus. Pagans always knew the true history of this planet even though they may not have fully understood the "nature" of their gods which the Gnostics claimed Cronus (the DemiUrge) was androgynous.
But the auxiliaries of Ilus, who is Cronus, were called Eloim (as it were) the allies of Cronus; they were so called after Cronus.  And Cronus having a son called Sadidus, dispatched him with his own sword, because he held him in suspicion, and with this own hand deprived his son of life.  And in like manner he cut off the head of his own daughter, so that all the gods were amazed at the mind of Cronus. - Sanchoniathon - History of the Ancient World written by Isaac Preston Cory, page 11.

My Books:
Hidden Human Story Series (aimed at a mature audience):

Mystery Books (Tales from the Mysterious Side):

Children’s Books/Young Adult to Adult fiction
 (The Library Kids & The Library Kids All Grown Up):

Please support my work if you can:  https://www.buymeacoffee.com/ritajeanmoran


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