Sunday, September 21, 2014

Kabbalah Symbolism at St. John’s Cathedral

I went to New York and did a lot of research.  It will take me some time to put all of the videos together and discuss what I found.  For now, I’m going to post some pictures of what I found carved into the pillars below the saints at St. John’s Cathedral.  One of the pillars includes the Kabbalah and another a scene of the apocalypse.  Next door was a children’s garden that included a head of Satan in the design.  Let’s get the analysis started with some introductory pictures:

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Notice he is upside down?  All satanic things are just inversions of Christianity.
The Kabbalah is the tree of life that includes the bloodline of the Cronides as I’ve already revealed in my books and on this blog.  Stay tuned for a whole more including video.


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