Saturday, November 21, 2015

Alice Bailey and the Lucifer Trail - Part 2

Alice Bailey’s book ,The Unfinished Autobiography, gives us more to ponder.  The most important indicator of problems with her philosophy is on page 251 and it only includes one sentence and that sentence is this:
Their name is legion.
This is the name her spirit friend she called, The Tibetan, gave to the group of Earth workers that were under his and the Hierarchy’s influence per the writings of The Tibetan that Alice Bailey wrote for this spirit, through what she stated as four methods to do so including clairaudience, telepathy, clairvoyant vision, and communication in the dream state.  Alice Bailey claimed she did not practice automatic writing and would never do so but used her own will to write what she wanted to and what she received in dictation.
It seems that this Hierarchy claimed Jesus Christ as part of their group, but at the same time, no one from the Theosophy society has made contact with Jesus Christ, just other members of the Hierarchy.  To understand how Alice Bailey fell for this, I will explain her life through her own words and how she was an orphan, abused woman, desperate for meaning, and looking for salvation which made her open to being “used” in my opinion.
Alice Baily was born on June 16th, 1880 in Manchester, England and only had one sister.  Alice’s full name was Alice La Trobe-Batemen.  Her mother died of tuberculosis when she was a child and her father blamed her and her sister for it, thinking that having children had weakened her mother’s body.  Then her father died of tuberculosis.  Both parents had died before Alice was nine years old.  Alice and her sister were shuffled back and forth between grandparents, aunts, and governesses until she grew up and did missionary work in India helping the British soldiers who were stationed there.
She did a lot of work and was an Orthodox Christian.  At one point she fancied herself to be a Joan of Arc due to the tough life she had.  As a young girl, she had tried to commit suicide three times.  When she was a teenager she was visited by a man with a turban who told her to learn self-discipline and that he was her “guide” and that she had a larger purpose in life that she would find out about later.
After doing several years of work in India, she met a man named Walter Evans whom she fell in love with. They married and they went to America where he became and Episcopalian minister in California.  To the public, he seemed like a good Christian man, but behind closed doors, he abused and beat Alice even when she was pregnant.  She endured, as many women did back then.  After two girls were born, she became pregnant with a third.  Late in the pregnancy, Walter Evans beat her and caused the baby to be born as a “blue baby” with heart troubles.
People began to notice the bruises on Alice and the abuse and as good Christians do, they began to try and help Alice.  Finally, her husband went to another church outside of California, but Alice stayed behind.  Walter Evans did not support his wife and 3 children, but abandoned them.  Alice had to take work in a sardine factory to survive.
Her salvation or so it seemed, came when she was hired to work at the Theosophical Society and eventually moved to their headquarters in Hollywood, California.  She met Foster Bailey there and eventually, they were married.  Both worked for the Theosophical Society.  Things were going along well for the both of them, until Charles Leadbeater came along and began to stir up trouble not only for them, but other members of the society.  Eventually, they moved to New York and worked for the society there.
Eventually, Alice was visited again by someone she called, The Tibetan, but through audio contact.  He convinced her to write books and open up the Arcane schools.  It seems all Alice wanted to do was help people and be somebody.  I think she meant well, but her experiences with her Christian minister husband ruined her and opened up the door for her to be used.
She wrote her own books, but also wrote what The Tibetan wanted written.  Here are some quotes fromThe Unfinished Autobiography of Alice Bailey:
I was an unhappy, exceeding disagreeable, little girl, a society girl in the gay nineties (which I didn’t find so gay) and then an evangelist of the “Billy Sunday” type and a social worker.  Again-not so gay, except that I was young and tremendously interested in everything.  Later, I married Walter Evans and found myself functioning as the wife of a rector of the Protestant Episcopal Church in California and the mother of three girls.
Alice Bailey, The Unfinished Autobiography, Page 2.
 I want to make the Disciples of the Christ who are the Masters of the Wisdom, real to people, as real as They are to me and many thousands in the world.
Alice Bailey, The Unfinished Autobiography, Page 2.
The third thing which I would like to do is to show how wonderful human beings are.  I have lived on three continents and in many nations.  I have known the very rich and the very poor, intimately and from the angle of close friendship; the very highest in the world have been my friends and he very lowest, and in all classes, nations and races I have found the same humanity, the same beauty of thought, the same self-sacrifice and the same love of others, the same sins and weaknesses, the same pride and selfishness, the same aspiration and spiritual objectives and the same desire to serve.
Alice Bailey, The Unfinished Autobiography, Page 5.
 My father did not care for me and when I see the picture of myself when small, I can scarcely wonder-skinny, scared and startled looking.
Alice Bailey, The Unfinished Autobiography, Page 19.
Thus I began consciously the age old search for the world of meaning which must be found, if any answer to the perplexities of life and the sorrows of humanity is to be discovered.
Alice Bailey, The Unfinished Autobiography, Page 22.
I was sitting in the drawing-room reading.  The door opened and in walked a tall man dressed in European clothes (very well cut, I remember) but with a turban on his head.  He came in and sat down beside me.  I was so petrified at the sight of the turban that I could not make a sound or ask what he was doing there.  Then he started to talk.  He told me there was some work that it was planned that I could do in the world but that it would entail my changing my disposition very considerably; I would have to give up being such an unpleasant girl and must try and get some measure of self-control.
Alice Bailey, The Unfinished Autobiography, Page 35-36.

He said that if I could achieve real self-control I could then be trusted and that I would travel all over the world and visit many countries, “doing your Master’s work all the time.”  Those words have rung in my ears ever since.
Alice Bailey, The Unfinished Autobiography, Page 36.

I found that this visitor was the Master K.H., the Master Koot Hoomi, a Master Who is very close to the Christ.
Alice Bailey, The Unfinished Autobiography, Page 37.
Then I heard a voice which said, “There are some books which it is desired should be written for the public.  You can write them.  Will you do so?”
Alice Bailey, The Unfinished Autobiography, Page 162-163.

Now the following is attributed to the Tibetan regarding the group called the World Servers.
It was an effort to band together subjectively and -where possible-objectively all those people of spiritual purpose and a deep love of humanity who were actively working in many countries, either in organizations or alone.  Their name is legion.  Some few are known to the workers in the Arcane School and to F.B. and A.A.B.. Thousands are known to me but not to them.  All are working under the inspiration of the Hierarchy and are, either consciously or unconsciously, fulfilling the duties of agents of the Masters.
Alice Bailey, The Unfinished Autobiography, Pages 250-251.

I don’t think Jesus Christ would ever refer to his followers as “legion.”  I’m sorry, but Alice Bailey meant well, but I believe she was used.  The ultimate goal of the Hierarchy is to “manifest in the physical form on Earth” not only their structure of government, but in bodies as well.  If Hollywood and the Music Industry are any indictors of what they have in mind, you can count me out.


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