Saturday, November 21, 2015

Alice Bailey and the Lucifer Trail - Part 5

One of the most important books that Alice Bailey wrote was The Externalisation of the Hierarchy. In it you can tell that she combines New Age philosophy, Christianity, and Hinduism. She outlines the problems of the world at her time, which were the causes of World Wars I and II. Then she goes on to talk about the coming One World Government and new order and what it will take and that the spiritual Hierarchy is behind it. It will take me several articles to analyze what she wrote in this 700+ page book, but what follows are some of the quotes from her book.

This is a transition period between the passing out of the Piscean age, with its emphasis upon authority and belief, and the coming in of the Aquarian age, with its emphasis upon individual understanding and direct knowledge.

Alice Bailey, The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, page 3.

One of the other things that she describes as creating the world condition at this time includes the approaching of the Hierarchy to Earth.  Here is what she wrote:

A third factor is as follows. It has been known for a long time by the mystics to all the world religions and by esoteric students everywhere, that certain members of the planetary Hierarchy are approaching closer to the earth at this time. By this I want you to infer  that the thoughts, or the mental attention, of the Christ and of certain of his great disciples, the Masters of wisdom, is directed or focused at this time in human affairs, and that some of them are also preparing to break Their long silence and may appear later among men.

Alice Bailey, The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, page 4.

She also goes on to describe the importance of telepathic powers needed in the new age in order to communicate with Hierarchy and she describes how schools are needed to train people.

Our second question relates to the work of the esoteric schools or “disciplines,” as they are sometimes called , and the training and safeguarding of the aspirants found working in them.

Alice Bailey, The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, page 15.

Students need to remember that devotion to the Path or the Master is not enough.  The Great Ones are looking for intelligent operators and workers more than they are looking for devotion to their personalities, and a student who is walking independently in the light of his own soul is regarded by them as a more dependable instrument than a devoted fanatic.

Alice Bailey, The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, page 19.

One other thing I found interesting in her book, was the mention of a certain time frame that caught the attention of the Hierarchy. That timeframe occurred in the 15th century which was the time period of the Inquisition.  Here is what she wrote:

I have for years-ever since 1919-sought to aid you to the best of my ability. The Hierarchy (a name covering the working disciples of all degrees) has for hundreds of generations sought to aid humanity, and since the 15th century has steadily approached closer to the physical plane and sought to make a deeper impact on the human consciousness. This has resulted in a recognition which has in it (at this time) the seeds of world salvation. Until the 15thcentury, the pull and the magnetic appeal was from the side of the watching Elder brothers. Today, so numerous are the inner and outer disciples, so many are the world aspirants, the pull and the magnetic appeal are largely equalized, and what will happen in the world unfoldment and in the recognition by the races will be the result of mutual interplay of the two intents (I am choosing my words with care) -the intent of the Masters to help humanity, and that of the world aspirants and disciples to aid in that helping.

Alice Bailey, The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, pages 20-21.

If that can be brought about, then there can be reestablished on Earth the condition which was brought to an end in earlier days, when the Hierarchy (in order to further man’s mental development ) withdrew behind the scenes for a period. If the spiritual contact can be brought about, it means that the Hierarchy no longer be hidden and unknown, but will be recognized as present upon the physical plane. This would at first be necessarily on a small scale, and the recognition will be confined to the aspirants and disciples. Increasingly the new group of world servers will be active in every nation and found functioning throughout the entire world.

Alice Bailey, The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, page 21.

All of us who are occupied with the plan for “the next three years” are seeking earnestly for those who can help us and to whom appeal can be made for the putting forth of that final last effort which will bring the desired anticipated result.

Alice Bailey, The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, page 21.

What other interesting thing about Alice Bailey was that she wanted to adopt a new holiday called the Wesak Festival.

During the Wesak Festival this year, those who are seeking to lift humanity nearer to the light and to expand the consciousness of mankind, will be gathering their forces for a renewed approach with its inevitable consequences. These consequences are the stimulation of the human family to a fresh spiritual effort; the process and the exalted personal involved have been described by me in my previous message (A Treatise on the Seven Rays, Volume 2, Esoteric Psychology page 683-688 ); they will also bring about the strengthening of the new group of world servers so that they can work with their greater effectiveness, vision the plan with greater clarity and-within themselves as a group-bring about greater integration. Thus they can aid in carrying out the plans of the Council of the Hierarchy to meet the immediate human emergency. As I told you before, the plans for humanity are not laid down, for humanity determines its own destiny; the effort is directed towards establishing a closer relationship between humanity and the Hierarchy.

Alice Bailey, The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, pages 24-25.

Alice Bailey goes in to detail about the kind of seed groups that need to be created to bring in the new age.   Here is what she wrote:

All this is, however, so new and relatively so near that these groups remain as yet in an embryonic stage. We call them the seed groups of the New Age. There are many such, as I told you before, but all is yet so small and so undeveloped that the success of their effort remains for the future to decide. This applies also to the groups which I began to building 1931 (Discipleship in the New Age, Volumes 1 and 2).

Alice Bailey, The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, page 31.

I have indicated somewhat the intended work of the first group from the angle of telepathic interplay (Telepathic and the Etheric vehicle). The method of communication between members of the hierarchy has to be externalized, eventually, upon or in this is one of the tasks of the group. It might be of service to you if I outlined a little more clearly what is the purpose of the new seed groups, in terms of the New Age civilization and culture so that the practical results might be visioned with clarity and some new ideals emerge as to the quality of the coming New World order.

Alice Bailey, The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, page 36.

Alice Bailey also talked about the importance of seed groups involved with telepathy to communicate with the Hierarchy but she also talked about seed groups that would be used to heal the physical body.

Disciples must learn the significance of illumination, received in meditation, and the necessity to work with light as a group for the dissipation of glamour. Hermes and Christ undertook this work of astral enlightenment and are constantly occupied with this task. Their work in the New Age is to be aided by the intensive activity of certain groups of which this second group is one.

Alice Bailey, The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, page 39.

Alice Bailey also talked about those that work with the light and those that were dark magicians. Her point of view was that dark magicians were not wanted and could not help bring in the New Age.

 Symbolically speaking the left-hand and the right-hand came into being; white and black magic were brought into conflict with each other and the peers of opposites (always existent in manifestation) became active factors in the consciousness of advanced humanity. The battle of discrimination was opened and humanity became active upon the field of Kurukshetra.
Alice Bailey, The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, page 41.

Alice Bailey described the New Age:

In the coming Aquarian age we shall see humanity producing a culture which is sensitive to the finer and higher spiritual values, a civilization which is free from glamour and from much of the illusion which today colors the Aryan peoples, and a racial life which will be embodied in those forms which will bridge the gap at present existing; it will be free from what we now know as disease of the worst kind, though death and certain forms of bodily breakdown which may eventually end the in death will, of course, still be prevalent. The overcoming of death is not contingent upon the elimination of bodily ills, but upon the establishing of that continuity of consciousness which carries over from the physical plane of life to the inner subjective existence. Of the state of being, groups such as the third group can be the custodian and their problem is therefore:

One. To establish that state of personality development which will lead to magnetic living upon the physical plane.

Two. To study the laws of life, which are the laws of health and of right relationship.

Three. To develop that continuity of consciousness which will “open the doors of life and dispel the fear of the known and of that what disappears.”

Alice Bailey, The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, pages 44-45.

She described some of the modes of government that have been or will be tried out:

One.  Government by a recognized spiritual hierarchy .
 Two. Government by an oligarchy of illumined minds.
 Three. Government by a true democracy.
 Four. Government by dictatorship.

Here is what she said of a new religion that would take form in the New Age:

I have already indicated to you the form that the religion of the New Age will take (see The Reappearance of the Christ). It would be built around the periods of the full moon, where in certain great approaches will be made to the world of reality, also around two periods of massed approaches to be made at the time of the major Eclipse of the moon and the sun during the year. The two major full moon approaches will be those of that Wesak Full Moon and the Full Moon of June-one hitherto consecrated to the Buddha who embodied the wisdom of God, and the other to the Bodhisattva (known to Christians as the Christ) Who embodied the love of God.

Alice Bailey, The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, page 55.

Now let’s talk about the forces of the dark side that Alice Bailey talked about.

The forces of materialism, streaming out into the three worlds from the so-called ‘dark forces” or Black Lodge, and from those groups of lives and workers which are the antithesis of the Great White Lodge.

Alice Bailey, The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, page 74.

We come now, for a brief moment to a consideration of the Jewish question. Remember that it is in an interesting fact Jews are found in every land without exception, that their influence is potent and widespread (far more so than they themselves are willing to recognize)  and that they wield most potently that peculiar concretisatiom of energy which we call money. They constitute, in a strange manner, a unique and distinctly separated world center of energy. The reason for this is that they represent the energy and the life of the previous solar system. You have often been told how, at the close of the solar system, a certain percentage of the human family will fail to make the grade and will then be held in, or in solution, until the time for the manifestation of the next and third solar system comes around. Then they will constitute the advanced guard and the symbol of the coming humanity of that system. The same thing occurred in the system before this one and those whom we now call the Jews (a purely modern name and distinction as I tried to show in the last few pages of A Treatise on the Seven Rays, volume 1, esoteric psychology), are the descendants of that earlier group which was held in pralaya between the first and second solar systems. If you will remember that the third ray governed that system and also governs the Jewish race, if you bear in mind that that system was occupied with the divine aspects of matter only and with external conditions, and that the Jews were the highest product of that system you can come to an understanding of the Jew, his separateness, his desire for racial purity and his interest in that which is commercial and tangible. The Jew, down the ages, has insisted upon being separated from all other races but he brought over from the previous system the knowledge (necessary then but obsolete now ) that his race was the “chosen people.” The “wandering Jew” has wandered from system one to this where he must learn the lesson of absorption and cease his wandering. He has insisted upon racial purity, for that was his major problem in early Lemurian times when the race came into a world that had in it no human beings, for it was before the coming of the Lords of Flame; this insistence has been carried down the ages and has governed the rules of marriage and the preparation of food instead of being dropped (as it should have been) thousands of years ago. It is these facts (unknown to the minor Jew ) which has militated  against him down the years and made it possible for the forces of separativeness and of hate, to use the Jewish race stir up world difficulty, and thus bring a crisis that basic human problem of separation. When humanity has solved the Jewish problem (with the understanding cooperation of the Jew ) and overcome ancient antipathies and hateds,  it will do so by fusing the problem in one vast humanitarian situation. When that happens, the problem will be rapidly solved one of the major difficulties will disappear off the face of the earth. Racial fusion will that be possible. Our earth humanity and the group of human beings who are far more ancient in their origin and we are, will form one one humanity and then there will be peace on earth..

Alice Bailey, The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, pages 76-77.

It is simply a fact to be accepted by you. The solution will come, as I said, when the races regard the Jewish problem as a humanitarian problem but also when the Jew does his share of understanding, love and right action. This he does not yet do, speaking racially. You must let go of his own separatist tendencies and of his deep sense of persecution. He will do this later with great facility, when he grasps, as a race, the significance and inevitability of the law of karma, and from a close study of the Old Testament and of the acts and deeds there claimed by him as his racial acts and deeds (conquests, terrorism and cruelty ), realizes that the law is working out and incidentally realizing him for a greater future. There must be at the same time, be a realization by the Jew and Gentile of equal responsibility and liability for the present world difficulty.

Alice Bailey, The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, page 78.

Here is what she also said about energies and how they are associated with the Hierarchy and people as well.

The first or will energy is, as you know, focused in Sanat Kumara, the ancient of days (as he is called in the Christian Bible ), the Lord of Shamballa, who is the embodiment of the personality of the planetary Logos. The love force is focussed through the two great spiritual lords of the Hierarchy, the Buddha and the Christ, who are both embodiments of the heart center of the planetary Logos, for the Buddha represents the 12 petalled lotus in the head, of which the Christ represents the counterpart, the 12 petalled lotus of the heart center.

Alice Bailey, The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, pages 86-87.

I would point out here that the fourth energy, focused in the Jewish problem, is definitely producing cleavage as a part of the divine plan. The Jews are instruments in the working out of the plan for the production of certain synthesis and to bring humanity to certain realizations and decisions. A close study of this tabulation will bring you much of knowledge. However, it only expresses the present situation in the interim period between the old Piscean age which is passing and the new Aquarian age which is coming in. It depicts the present world cycle.

I wonder whether you can grasp the implications of this paragraph. When the mine aspect (the third aspect of the personality) is more fully developed, then the focus of the efforts of the dark forces will change and the problem of the Jews will disappear. Mankind is not yet handling its problems intellectual intelligently.

Alice Bailey, The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, page 88.

 I will stop at this point of this post with one more quote from her book. I will continue analyzing this important book in future posts.

Again I tell you that even the Hierarchy itself, with all its knowledge, vision and understanding with all its resources, cannot coerce and cannot forecast what mankind will do.

Alice Bailey, The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, page 113.

The biggest question of all is who asked the Hierarchy for their help?  From a previous Alice Bailey book (The Unfinished Autobiography), the Hierarchy is described as “Their name is legion” and that says to me they are the Enemies of the ancient Cronides.  Stay tuned for the next article about the Externalization of the Hierarchy and a discussion of what is going on at the United Nations.


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