Saturday, November 21, 2015

How Low Has the World Sunk? Kabbalah-Qlippoth Ritual, Golden Age of Saturn-Cronus

How low has the world sunk?  I sat down and thought about it in comparison to the Golden Age of Saturn.  During the time of Cronus, the world was sunken into chaos, cannibalism, lawlessness, and chaos.  Cronus-Saturn tried to change this but he introduced the practice of human sacrifice while he spread the knowledge of agriculture which made things worse.  His son Zeus came along and literally spread the agricultural revolution with the help of his children as they travelled the world and tried to stomp out the human sacrifice and cannibalism cults.
Today the world is ignorant of these people and has slipped back into a state quickly approaching the Golden Age of Saturn.  We have pedophilia, cannibalism, human sacrifice, and sexual depravity creeping back into the mainstream and I believe this is intentionally done by the elites because they practice it and because the priests of Jupiter Sabazios have a ritual that takes you to the depths of hell and back up to the light of Kether.  I call it the Kabbalah-Qlippoth ritual.
I didn’t think we had slipped back into human sacrifice and then I realized that the Muslim/Isil burnings of men and women is a form of Moloch and that the murder of children by Isil is also occurring live through the use of social media.  These videos have been viewed by millions and it needs to be called out as a form of Moloch sacrifice as that it is what it is, and we are watching it happen like the helpless parents watched their children taken from them to be thrown in the fire to Moloch back during the Golden Age of Saturn.
The only thing left is to increase the depravity and insane laws to a high degree and kick off  World War 3 as Albert Pike predicted.  Once again, here is the summary of the cube and the system the high priests have put us all in:
The most telling passage is about the cube that they worship.  Here it is:
You will hear shortly of the Rough ASHLAR and the Perfect ASHLAR, as part of the jewels of the Lodge.  The rough Ashlar is said to be “a stone, as taken from the quarry, in its rude and natural state.”  The perfect Ashlar is said to be “a stone made ready by the hands of the workmen, to be adjusted by the working-tools of the Fellow-Craft.”  We shall not repeat the explanations of these symbols given by the York Rite.  You may read them in its printed monitors.  They are declared to allude to the self-improvement of the individual craftsman, – a continuation of the same superficial interpretation.
The rough Ashlar is the PEOPLE, as a mass, rude and unorganized.  The perfect Ashlar, or cubical stone, symbol of perfection, is the STATE, the rulers deriving their powers from the con-sent of the governed; the constitution and laws speaking the will of the people; the government harmonious, symmetrical, efficient, -its powers properly distributed and duly adjusted in equilibrium.
Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma Of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, Page 7.
They will take us to Hell to bring us back up to Kether (their new kingdom for their god Jupiter Sabazios).
Once again here is the philosophy of a Kabbalist (Satan is God’s loyal servant, evil is a gift from god and came first, evil is a path to God):
It will get worse, the people will rise and fight it, but the depravity of the human soul of some will allow it to happen.  I told you the truth and am trying to stop it.


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