Saturday, November 21, 2015

Prometheus Was Once Considered the Creator of Men But Not of Women

Prometheus (1909) by Otto Greiner
Prometheus was once held to be the creator of men and to have given them the gifts of the arts.
Women came from Pandora.

Prometheus watches Athena endow his creation with reason (painting by Christian Griepenkerl, 1877)
Prometheus watches Athena endow his creation with reason (painting by Christian Griepenkerl, 1877)
What this tale is telling you is that his creation is his bloodline.  Pandora came from Hepheastus and Athena and she mated with his brother, Epimetheus.  The son of Prometheus, Deucalion married the daughter of Pandora named Pyrrha.
This bloodline and the other children of Prometheus are the children of Lucifer-Satan because that is who Prometheus is.  The Abrahamic religious cults are written by the children of Zeus.  The Freemason worships and carries on the teachings of Prometheus in their man-created cult whereas the Abrahamic religion that is man-created carries on the teachings of Zeus.  The fallen angels side with Prometheus and they are the fallen watchers.
I’ve already shown that the writings of Sanchuniathon tell that tale of Cronus buryng his brother Iapetus under the Earth (possibly alive or not) after suspecting him of trying to usurp his power.  This is the tale of the Watchers (fallen angels).
In the ancient writings of Phoenician scholar, Sanchuniathon, there is something very interesting and it is a story that is very similar to the story of the fallen angels.   From The History of the Ancient World,the story of the binding of Cronus’ brother, Iaptetus in a deep cavern in the earth is mentioned:
After these events Cronus builds a wall round about his habitation, and founds Byblus, the first city of Phoenicia  Afterwards Cronus suspecting his own brother Atlas, by the advice of Hermes threw him into a deep cavern in the earth, and buried him.
This event occurs after Cronus chases away his abusive and violent father, Uranus, before killing him..  The allies of Cronus are referred to as Eloim and the father of Uranus is called, “The Most High” and was also called Hypsistus.  The father of Uranus had been killed previously by a wild animal attack.
I would have to wonder if the leader of the fallen angels, Shemjaza, was Iapetus and I wonder if his son, Atlas was the fallen angel Azazel.  This is food for thought.

The spiritual war between these two bloodlines roars on and every religion/occult practice in about these ancient people.  Their progeny walks the planet today and these entities probably inhabit many of their bodies once they do their invocation ritual.


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