Saturday, November 21, 2015

Tomb of Osiris Discovered? Doubt It, Isis had His Priests Make Several Tombs for Him So That His Body Could Not Be Disturbed Again

The gods Osiris, Anubis, andHorus, from a tomb painting.

Greek scholar Diodorus Siculus tells us what happened to the body of Dionysus-Osiris.  After Isis had recovered his body the first time, she buried it and Prometheus-Set-Satan-Lucifer dug it up and chopped it up in pieces and threw his penis in the river.  Ariadne-Isis discovered the body again and gathered up all the parts and made multiple wax figures of Dionysus-Osiris and gave each one to his priests telling them that they had the body of Osiris.  She secretly buried his body and there are accounts that he is buried with her on Philae.

Now Isis recovered all the pieces of the body except the privates, and wishing that the burial-place of her husband should remain secret and yet be honoured by all the inhabitants of Egypt, she fulfilled her purpose in somewhat the following manner.  Over each piece of the body, as the account goes, she fashioned out of spices and wax a human figure about the size of Osiris; then summoning the priests group by group, she required of all of them an oath that they would reveal to no one the trust which she was going to confide to them, and taking each group of them apart privately she said that she was consigning to them alone the burial of the body, and after reminding them of the benefactions of Osiris she exhorted them to bury his body in their own district and pay honours to him as to a god, and to consecrate to him also some one that they might choose of the animals native of their district, pay it while living the honours which they had formerly rendered to Osiris, and upon his death accord it the same kind of funeral as they had given to him.

Diodorus Siculus, The Library of History Volume 1, Page 67.

I really hope they don’t find the body of Dionysus-Osiris because once they do, you’ll never see it again, just as the bodies of giants disappear after they go to the Smithsonian or get reburied under NAGPRA laws.  They claimed they found the tomb of Gilgamesh (Heracles) in Iraq once, with a body and of course you’ve never heard a word about it or its DNA, since.
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