Alice Bailey and the Lucifer Trail
“In the meantime, as the first group struggles with the immediate problem in the outer world, and the second group-still within the confines of the Hierarchy Itself-makes due interior preparation and applies to its chosen membership the needed training and the desired reorientation, the Christ and the Masters are occupied with the task of preparing for the restoration of the Mysteries. This restoration will fall into three phases and will cover and include in its symbolism all phases of human unfoldment. The story of mankind will be pictorialized. These three phases correspond broadly and in general sense to the three degrees of the Blue Lodge of Masonry. The analogy is not entirely accurate, owing to the unavoidable degeneracy of Masonry, but with the restoration of the Mysteries, Masonry also will come into its own.” Alice Bailey from The Externalization of the Hierarchy.
Alice Bailey was famous for her teachings and writings on esoteric subjects and religious beliefs. Some of her works vary from what Blavatsky wrote about, but in many ways they are the same. Alice was born to a wealthy British family and when she was a child she received a mysterious visit from a man she later identified as Master Koot Hoomi. When she grew up, she went to India to do missionary work. According to wikipedia:
At age 22 Bailey did evangelical work in connection with the YMCA and the British Army. This took her to India where, in 1907, she met her future husband, Walter Evans. Together they moved to America where Evans became an Episcopalian priest. However, this marriage did not last. She stated that her husband mistreated her and in one of his fits of temper, threw her down the stairs. Bailey pushed for and received a divorce. She left with their three children; after formal separation in 1915. Then followed a difficult period in which she worked as a factory hand to support herself and the children.Bailey’s break was not only with her Christian husband, but with Christianity in general. In her autobiography she wrote that “a rabid, orthodox Christian worker [had] become a well-known occult teacher.
In 1915 Bailey discovered the Theosophical Society and the work of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (Bailey, pp 134–136). Theosophical Society states that Bailey became involved in 1917. Theosophist Joy Mills states that in 1918 she became a member of the Esoteric Section of the society. Theosophist Bruce F. Campbell notes, “She quickly rose to a position of influence in the American Section of the Adyar society, moving to its headquarters at Krotona in Hollywood. She became editor of its magazine, The Messenger, and member of the committee responsible for Krotona.Bailey claimed to recognize Koot Hoomi, the master who had visited her in her childhood, from a portrait she saw in the Shrine Room of the Theosophical Society. (Bailey, pp 156). Bailey wrote much about those she called the “Masters of the Wisdom”, which she believed to be a brotherhood of enlightened sages working under the guidance of “the Christ.” In part, she stated her writings were an effort to clarify the nature of these Masters, and their work.
Bailey eventually split from the Theosophical Society and remarried and started her own groups called the Arcane School and Lucis Trust. She continued to write and teach. The following are works credited to her:
- Bailey, Alice (1922). Initiation, human and solar. Lucifer Pub. Co..
- Bailey, Alice (1922). Letters on occult meditation. New York.
- Bailey, Alice Anne (1930). A treatise on cosmic fire.
- Bailey, Alice (1997) [1927]. The light of the soul : its science and effect : a paraphrase of the Yoga sutras of Patanjali. Lucis Publishing. ISBN 9780853301127.
- Bailey, Alice A. (1987) [1934]. A treatise on white magic, or, The way of the disciple (5 ed.). Lucis Pub. Co.. ISBN 9780853301233.
- Bailey, Alice (1944). Discipleship in the new age. New York, Lucis Pub. Co.
- Bailey, Alice (1944). The problems of humanity. New York.
- Bailey, Alice (1947). The reappearance of the Christ. New York, Men of Goodwill.
- Bailey, Alice (1949). The destiny of the nations. Lucis.
- Bailey, Alice (1950). Glamour : a world problem. Lucis Press.
- Bailey, Alice (1950). Telepathy and the etheric vehicle. New York, Lucis Pub. Co.
- Education in the New Age—1954
- The Externalization of the Hierarchy—1957
- Ponder On This: A Compilation—2003
- A Treatise on the Seven Rays:
- Volume 1: Esoteric Psychology I—1936
- Volume 2: Esoteric Psychology II—1942
- Volume 3: Esoteric Astrology—1951
- Volume 4: Esoteric Healing—1953
- Volume 5: The Rays and the Initiations—1960
- The Consciousness of the Atom—1922
- The Soul and its Mechanism—193
- From Intellect to Intuition—193
- From Bethlehem to Calvary—193
- The Unfinished Autobiography—195
- The Labors of Hercules—1974
- The Labours of Hercules: An Astrological Interpretation—first published 1982
The first Alice Bailey book that I have read was Initiation Human and Solar. The book discusses a hierarchy of ruling spirits who are guiding the human race. It discusses those who are put on a spiritual path by these higher beings and the suffering they must endure to blossom into the initiated person they were selected to be.
It describes some of the transformations of the person as they continue along this spiritual path, which in some circumstances sounds very much like the Shamanic path of suffering, trials, growth and gaining of knowledge and extra-human capabilities.
Some of the following passages from the book stand out:
- “That the development of the human being is but the passing from one state of consciousness to another.”
- “Before many centuries pass the old mysteries will be restored, and an inner body will exist in the Church-the Church of the period, of which the nucleus is already forming-wherein the first initiation will become exoteric, in this sense only, that the taking of the first initiation will, before so very long, be the most sacred ceremony of the Church, performed exoterically as one of the mysteries given at stated periods, attended by those concerned. It will also hold a similar place in the riutal of the Masons.”
- “The central home of this Hierarchy is at Shamballa, a centre on the Gobi desert, called in the ancient books the “White Island.”
- “As has already been stated, at the head of affairs, controlling each unit and directing all evolution, stands the KING, the Lord of the World, Sanat Kumara, the Youth of Endless Summers, and the Fountainhead of the Will,….”
- “But when the initiate has made still further progess, and has taken two initiations, a change comes, The Lord of the World, the Ancient of Days, the ineffable Ruler Himself administers the third initiation.”
- “After the fifth initiation the man is perfected as far as this scheme goes, though he may, if he will, take two further intiations.”
Now it appears to me, that this book is revealing secrets of the initiated into the occult or shamanistic worlds. It also appears that these initiations will become external to the world through a new church.
You might be wondering why Annie Bessant’s work did not have as much influence as Alice Baileys, I would guess it was because she worked with a Charles Leadbeater in the Theosophy Society and Leadbeater was later accused of pedophilia. However, the work that she did with the Theosophical Society and with Social and Political Activism should not be forgotten or overlooked.
Education in the New Age
This is probably the 3rd most important book to read of Alice Bailey following Externalisation of the Hierarchy and The Return of the Christ. In this book, A.A.B. discusses the new approach to education. It involves a new age approach to a child. The science of Astrology and Psychology were sited as tools that would be used to determine the child’s soul mission and personality. She also mentioned physical exams of the body of the child, in particular, the endocrine system was sited as needing to be examined.
Next, the child would be categorized as artistic or scientifically inclined. A program would be developed to help the child learn how to use the knowledge they acquired to be a “wise parent” or a good citizen.
A.A.B. wrote this book and published it in 1954. She complained about the current educational system as only focusing on memorization and that it did not develop the child fully into a wise parent. This is a very interesting concept for 1954. Her argument is a very familiar one going on today in which many claim the school system “dumbs” a child down.
The most important admission in this book is that Eugenics would be used to encourage intelligent people to reproduce while others were encouraged not to reproduce. The idea of population reduction is stressed. Again, the claim of a new “Race” emerging out of areas populated by “white” people is stressed.
Education to date has been largely memory training, though there is now emerging the recognition that this attitude must end.Education is more than a sincere effort to fit a child or adult to be a good citizen, an intelligent parent and no charge upon the state. It has a far wider appliation than producing a human being who will be a commercial asset and not a commercial liablity.It will be apparent to you, therefore, that the whole goal of the future and of the present effort, is to bring humanity to the point where it-occultly speaking-”enters into light.”As a result of the bridging work which will be done in the immediate one hundred and fifty years ahead of us, the technique of bridging the various cleavages found in the human family, and of weaving into one strong cable the various threads of energy which tenuously, as yet, connect the various aspects of the inner man with the outer form, will have made so much progress that the bulk of the intelligent people in the world and all classes and nations will be integrated personalities. When this is the case, the science of the antahkarana will be a planned part of the their training.The new racial type is far more a state of consciousness than a physical form; it is a state of mind more than a peculiarly designed body.The need of an increasing birthrate will be eventually regarded as erroneous, and this for three reasons which it would profit you to study:
She gives three reasons for population reduction including souls achieving perfection, economics dictating that the planet cannot support a large population, and the widespread promiscuity of the sexes, including polygamy will cease. A.A.B. also discusses the idea and science of personality control:
The science of eugenics and of sex hygiene and the development of mentally controlled relationships will steadily grow.The ultimate fusion of humanity with the Hierarchy, producing the manifestation of God’s Kingdom on Earth.
Well, there you have it. A.A.B. outlines the usage of Eugenics and population reduction in 1954 after the horrors of World War II that experimented with these concepts. It appears to me that this plan is already underway as the economies are being toyed with to make large families an economic impossiblity. There is a reason to have a range of characteristics in a population. Trying to play around with Mother Nature will result in disaster. Who will make these decisions on Eugenics? An intelligent person can also be one of the most evil persons on the planet if they lack compassion and empathy. Why is there such an obssesion with a “Master Race” and to “merge with the Hierarchy” and who is this Hierarchy, exactly?
A Treatise on White Magic
In this book, A.A.B. discusses the 15 rules for magic. She discusses the type of person who should be practicing magic and distinguishes between black and white magic. The black magician is noted as selfish and doing magic for their own good, while the white magician is doing it for the good of the people and in service to the White Brotherhood.
She discusses how the person must be a balanced, non-selfish person and willing to serve the White Brotherhood. After their mental faculties are balanced, they would then proceed to the astral world to learn how to interpret energies, then they would proceed forward with the manipulation of energy to affect the physical world.
Not all of her writing is clear, but one thing she said I found most interesting was that a black magician is really working with a black magician on the astral plane and that a black magician is limited in what they can achieve.
The Externalisation of the Hierarchy
This is one of the most important books of Alice A. Bailey that explains what is happening on the world scale and how it was planned over 70 years ago, before World War II, and perhaps since the 1400s.
In this book, A.A.B. describes the Hierachy that is not human and the plan for a restructuring of the world to include a new one world religion, a one world government (which is the United Nations), the seed groups used to change the mindset of the world, the physical appearance of the hierachy in all facets of power that control every aspect of human life, and the transfer of control of the planet’s resources to international organizations (sounds like global corporations).
This book also describes the process of how this transition will take place. The hierachy includes non-human and human initiates that follow the beliefs of this new religion. To do it, they will take over positions of power in government, education, and the church. They will introduce the history of humankind pictorially and introduce and educate the public in the field of symbology in a similar manner as is done in the Blue Lodges of Freemasonry (Alice Bailey’s husband, Foster Bailey, was a Freemason). They will also have “destroyer” agents that will go out and help destroy old systems or religions. The Jew and the Christian are particular targets.
This should explain the massive exhibit of freemasonic and occultic symbology in the mass media, music industry, hollywood and corporate logos. The goal is to bring back “the Mysteries” to the public as the form of new religion. When the new religion is in place, the “Christ” will return and the “Kingdom of God” will be in place.
According to A.A.B.:
In the meantime, as the first group struggles with the immediate problem in the outer world, and the second group-still within the confines of the Hierarchy itself-makes due interior preparation and applies to its chosen membership the needed training and the desired reorientation, the Christ and the Masters are occupied with the task of preparing for the restoration of the Mysteries. This include in its symbolism all phases of human unfoldment. The story of mankind will be pictorialised. These three phases correspond broadly and in the general sense to the three degrees of the Blue Lodge in Masonry. The analogy is not entirely accurate, owing to the unavoidable degeneracy of Masonry, but with the restoration of the Mysteries, Masonry also will come into its own. The phases are:1. The stage of a general recognition of the light in all departments of human living……2. The state of complete economic reorientation; in this humanity is relieved of all economic anxiety and is free to receive its due wages and the right reward of all service rendered in the building of the temple of the Lord; this building proceeds with rapidity.3. The stage wherein the reward of light is received and the reward of service rendered: spiritual status is recognised through the medium of what is regarded as a major initiation, for which the first two initiatory degrees are only preparatory….Religion is then recognised as an attitude governing all phases of human experience.
Quite honestly, this sounds like a complete global theocratic government. What a nightmare. Again, the occultic symbols will tell you what priestcraft is going to run the show. Sure seems that this hierarchy is already in place.
A.A.B. also gave scenarios of what the world would be like, if this structure does not take place and it involved Russia running the world with global communism and America running the world with global capitalism. She was not in favor of allowing countries to figure out what they wanted. She also said that only the United Nations should have rights to nuclear arms:
It lies in the hands of the Untied Nations to protect this released energy from misuse and to see that its power is not prostituted to selfish ends and purely material purpose.
She said that their groups are on the prowl for men and women that fit the mold for this new world order and would seek to enlist them in their quest. The ultimate leader of this hiearchy is the “Ancient of Days” who is their god.
This whole thing is a theocratic, patriarchial, masonic nightmare for the world where these masonic priests are running the world and no nation or people are allowed to determine their own destiny or control their own country’s resources.
Alice Bailey and her Lucis Publishing Group and Arcane Schools have had tremendous influence on the United Nations and the secret societies of the world. Her blueprint that was “given” to her by these spiritual entities is what the world is up against and there does not appear to be “freedom” even though they claim that is what they are for. The global corporations are also controlling many of the resources and the institutions that governments owned for the people are being forced into ruin. It all appears almost hopeless as this structure is embedded already into the world.