Saturday, November 21, 2015

Anton LaVey, The Baphomet, and the Church of Satan-Lucifer-Prometheus-Set-Loki

Anton LaVey was a Jewish man born in Chicago in 1930, who moved to California as a kid.  He is credited with creating the Church of Satan.  Per the dictates of my research, I had to go out and purchase a second hand copy of The Satanic Bible.  The book smelled a bit moldy, but I got through the read and found what I needed.
In it, the childhood of LaVey is described as lonely and as him being an outcast.  This is not a surprise as most low-lifes or deviants who have a hard time fitting in either turn introverted, become successful in their careers later in life, or they explode all over the rest of the populace in the quest for the ever coveted “king of the hill” position and feeling like they matter in the world of billions of people.  Here are some snippets about his past:
His odd interests marked him as an outsider, and he did not alleviate this by feeling any compulsion to be “one of the boys.”  He despised gym class and team sports and often cut classes to follow his own interests.
Anton Szandor LaVey, The Satanic Bible, page 11.
Anton LaVey worked in carnivals and side shows and was inspired by a previous spoiled-brat deviant, Aleister Crowley.  He was also inspired by Ann Rand, Nietzche, and Mencken.  He wrote his bible based on the works of John Dee and Ragnar Redbeard.
A few years earlier LaVey had decided to meet some of the Berkeley Thelemites.  He was unimpressed, as they were more mystical and less “wicked” than he supposed they should be for disciples of Crowley’s libertine creed
Anton Szandor LaVey, The Satanic Bible, page 12.
He prefaced these essays and rites with reworked excerpts from Ragnar Redbeard’s Might is Right and concluded it with “Satanized” versions of John Dee’s Enochian Keys to create The Satanic Bible.
Anton Szandor LaVey, The Satanic Bible, page 14.
Anton was a loner, one that did not fit in.  I would characterize him more as an artistic type of person seeking attention and looking to be the “king of the hill” as most men with ego issues always strive to be.  He was also obsessed with being forgotten after his death.
Now let’s get into the core of his philosophy that he basically plagiarized from previous occultists who mingled with the same spirits of the Cronide and Promethean family lines from long ago.
The gods of the right-hand path have bickered and quarreled for an entire age of earth.  Each of these deities and their respective priests and ministers have attempted to find wisdom in their own lies.
Anton Szandor LaVey, The Satanic Bible, page 23.
I’ve already shown you that the right-hand path of the Jewish Kabbalah model is not only a genealogical tree for the Jew (and others), but it is necromancy that summons the ancient Cronides.  I’ve also shown you that Jewish Qlippoth, the left-hand path, is also a Jewish model of a genealogical tree of Prometheus who is probably also part of their family tree, and it is also necromancy that summons the ancient Prometheans.
I’ve shown you that Lucifer is Prometheus, not only through my own analysis and Mythological Unification Theory, but through the dictionary of the Theosophical society (look it up or see previous articles).  Here is who Anton LaVey called to:
A glow of new light is born out of the night and Lucifer is risen, once more to proclaim; “This is the age of Satan! Satan rules the Earth!”  The gods of the unjust are dead.  This is the morning  of magic, and undefiled wisdom.
Anton Szandor LaVey, The Satanic Bible, page 23.
The symbol of the Baphomet was used by the Knights Templar to represent Satan.  Through the ages this symbol has been called by many different names.  Among these are:  The Goat of Mendes, The Goat of a Thousand Young, The Black Goat, The Judas Goat, and perhaps most appropriately, the Scapegoat.
Anton Szandor LaVey, The Satanic Bible, page 136.
Now the Baphomet is the symbol of Satan-Set-Prometheus-Lucifer-Moloch-Loki and so on.  Most Satanic symbols simply take the symbols of the Cronides and invert them which can confuse a person as it did me when I wondered why there was a Hermes symbol in the symbol.  They used the Hermes Caduceus rather than show a phallus.  Here is a video I did analyzing the symbol when I was thrown by the Cronide symbol:One of the biggest mistakes in my opinion that was made by Anton was the calling out of the nameSabazios.  This is Dionysus, his father is Jupiter Sabazios.  Calling this god at a black mass while calling Prometheus-Set-Satan-Lucifer, his murderer (thus the term scapegoat, since he was blamed for the murder of Dionysus-Osiris which involved 72 other conspirators and an Ethiopian Queen) is a mistake to do.  Most of the other infernal names would go together as they were related while in earthly bodies.
Now, why did I call it the Jewish Church of Satan?  The answer is that the Jews created all of these religions, infiltrated the Catholic Church (future article to be written) and murdered off the wise women of Europe to destroy their symbols and magical workings with the same entities, and are using their magical system of Kabbalah-Qlippoth to invade and destroy host nations.  The priests of the Catholic church, who used to be allowed to be married and have families, were then bitter bachelors and zealot sadists who went into nation after nation destroying indigenous people’s magical systems all though I would applaud the removal of the human sacrifice rituals.
If you don’t like this and want to start crying anti-Semite, my advice is for you to die off.  Go learn some history on who created all of these religions, who ran the slave trades, who was behind communism, who was behind Hitler, who was behind the Inquisition until it turned on them with Queen Isabella, who owns the media, who runs Hollywood, who has kept us on the Federal Reserve scam System, who forced us on oil consumption when we should have been driving Ford Hemp Cars (Henry Ford was labeled an anti-Semite), and so on.  You are getting exposed and you can’t stop it.  Lawsuits need to follow against those who have lied and put the human race through thousands of years of misery.
The Gods/Goddesses in the spirit world hate you for your lies and they want their stories told.  Their wishes are being met everyday that I write another book, another article, make another video, make another facebook post, and so on.  The cat is out of the bag, and it’s only going to get bigger.  Lastly, take a good look at what has happened to the “Truth” movement and the symbolism and names used.  All they are doing is incorporating the black sun and Jewish mysticism in their fake “truth” movement that was created by Neocons (Jews).


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